
NCERT Class 9 Sciences Chapter 12 SOUND Notes

NCERT Class 9 Sciences Chapter 12 SOUND Notes

Introduction to Waves:
  • Wave: disturbance in a medium carrying energy without net particle movement.
  • Types: Transverse (perpendicular particle motion), Longitudinal (parallel particle motion).
Particle Motion of Mechanical Waves:
  • Transverse Waves: Particle motion perpendicular to wave motion.
  • Example: Light, Mexican wave.
  • Longitudinal Waves: Particle motion parallel to wave motion via compressions or elongations.
  • Example: Sound waves in air.
Sound Properties:
  • Introduction to Sound Waves:
  • Sound needs a medium.
  • Propagates through compressions and rarefactions.
  • Wavelength (λ), Time period (T), Frequency (𝛎).
  • Speed (v) related as v=λ𝛎.
  • Amplitude (A), Pitch (directly proportional to frequency), Volume (related to amplitude).
  • Note and Tone: Tone (single frequency), Note (mixture of frequencies).
  • Quality of Sound: Richness or timber.
  • Speed of Sound: Depends on medium properties: pressure, density, temperature.
  • Speed hierarchy: Solids > Liquids > Gases.
  • Speed in air: 331 m/s at 0°C, 344 m/s at 22°C.
  • Sonic boom: Sound speed exceeded, producing shockwaves.
Reflection of Sound Waves:
  • Follows laws of reflection, bouncing off surfaces.
  • Echo: Sound reflected, heard again.
  • Requirements: Time interval ≥ 0.1s, minimum obstruction distance = 17.2m.
Sonar and Radar:
  • SONAR: Sound Navigation And Ranging.
  • Uses ultrasonic waves.
  • Applications: Imaging, detecting objects underwater.
  • Ultrasonic Sounds: Frequencies > 20kHz.
  • Applications: Medical imaging, object detection.
  • Reverberation: Persistence of sound due to multiple reflections.
  • Examples: Auditoriums, halls.
  • Doppler’s Effect: Change in frequency and wavelength due to motion.
  • Example: Ambulance siren.
Human Ear:
  • Sensitive organ for sound detection, transmission, balance.
  • Components: Outer ear (pinna), auditory canal, eardrum, middle ear (hammer, anvil, stirrup), inner ear (cochlea, auditory nerve).