Extra Questions Answers For Chapter 7 Jalebis So It Happened Book English
Very Short Type Question
1.What is the new name of Kambelpur?
Answer: The new name of Kambelpur is Atak.
2. What class did he read in?
Answer: He was in the class fifth standard.
3.How many rupees the boy had?
Answer: The boy had four rupees in his pocket.
4. For what reason the boy had money?
Answer: The boy had money to pay the school fees and the found.
5. When Master Ghulam Mahammed gets angry, what he did?
Answer: When he angry he makes the students stand on the bench and simply forgets to let them sit still the last bell rings.
6. How are the jalebies?
Answer: The jalebies are crisp, fresh and full of sweet syrup.
]7. What was the prize the boy had won when he was in fourth standard exams?
Answer: He had won a scholarship of four rupees a month.
8. Why he decided that he wouldn’t eat Jalebies?
Answer: He would not eat Jalebies because he was the most Promising students and he came from a well to do family.
9. In barefoot where he had gone?
Answer: In barefoot he ran towards the bazaar to buy Jalebies.
10. What are the things the boy had found in his bag?
Answer: The things he had found in his bag are few text books, note books, one pencil, one sharpener, one ID card.
11. Who is Master Ghulam Mohammed, and what is his role in the story?
Answer: Master Ghulam Mohammed is the boy's teacher, and his role is to teach the students and discipline them.
12.Why does the boy decide to buy jalebies instead of paying his school fees?
Answer: The boy decides to buy jalebies because he is tempted by their taste and forgets about his responsibility to pay his school fees.
13. What is the significance of the scholarship the boy won in the fourth standard exams?
Answer: The scholarship is significant because it reflects the boy's academic achievement and financial assistance for his education.
14. Describe the boy's reaction when he finds his bag empty.
Answer: The boy feels devastated and helpless when he finds his bag empty, realizing that he has lost his money.
15. How does the chapter end, and what does it suggest about the boy's situation?
Answer: The chapter ends with the boy feeling defeated and hopeless as he realizes he has lost his money and cannot pay his school fees. This suggests that the boy is facing financial struggles and may have difficulty continuing his education.
16. For what did the coins in the writer’s pocket start to convince the writer?
Answer- The coins in his pocket said to him that those fresh and hot jalebies were not coming for nothing. They were meant to be eaten. The money he had in his pocket was also not for nothing. Spend the money and enjoy Jalebis
17. Do you think that there is subjectivity in the story? If yes tell how.
Answer- Yes, I find subjectivity in the lesson. It is a device which means the writer or the poet is himself/ herself present in the lesson. In this lesson the writer ‘Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi’ himself is present in the lesson.
18. Where do you find the touch of personification in the lesson?
Answer- The writer himself says that coins don’t tank, they jingle but “That day they actually spoke.” A non living thing was speaking. It shows the touch of personification.
19. What was the response of the writer to the coins when they were trying to incite him to eat Jalebis?
Answer- The writer told the money that that was his fee and fund money and advised it not to misguide him. He also gave a logic that he got enough at home so it was a sin to see towards anything in the market.
20. What was the fear in the writer’s mind before spending the fee money?
Answer- The writer had a fear that if he spent the money that day how he would show his face to Master Ghulam Mohammed and after that to Allah Miyan at Qayamat.
Long Answer Type Questions
1. When it is time to pay the fees, what does he do? How is he disobeying the elders by doing so?
Answer: When it was time to pay the fees, he tucked his bag under the arm and left the school and simply kept on walking in the noise’s direction i.e., straight. He reached the point where the Kambelpur railway station began. The elders had warned him never to cross the railway tracks and never eat sweets with one’s fees money. All these instructions escaped his mind that day, anyhow.
2. Comment on the significance of the jalebis in the story.
Answer: Jalebis are central to the story. These are hot, fresh and syrupy. A school boy falls to the sweet temptation of jalebis. He spends all his school fees money in buying jalebis. He eats himself and also distributes them among children. He regrets his weakness later. He prays to God to send him four rupees. But he gets no help from God. He realises in later life that God cannot meet everybody’s demand. Were he so generous, man would not have developed the skill of making jalebis.
3. Write a short note on the character of the schoolboy in Jalebis.
Answer: The schoolboy in the story Jalebis carries four rupees to school to pay the school fees. He is honest, God fearing and brilliant student. He has won a scholarship also. He has never been punished. He enjoys prestige. He feels shy of standing in the bazaar and eating jalebis. But the coins in his pocket persuade him to go wrong. And he repents his foolishness. He asks for God’s help. He can recite the namaz and some portions from the Quran. His experience, however, teaches him a valuable lesson.
4. How does the schoolboy try to please God to come to his rescue?
Answer: The schoolboy faces a crisis after he has spent his school fees on the jalebis. He turns to Allah Miyan for help. He apologises to God. He promises to never repeat that mistake, and recites the namaaz and few verses from the Quran. He hopes in vain that God will put money under the rock. He plays a game with God. But he finds no coins but a hairy worm under the rock.
5. His prayer to God is like a lawyer’s defence of a bad case. Does he argue his case well? What are the points he makes?
Answer: Yes, he argued his case very well. Some of the points are as follows.
He had memorised the last ten surats of Quran and the entire ayat-ul-kursi so he was very religious minded.
He confessed by admitting his mistake of eating jalebis. He did not eat alone rather distributed to a whole lot of children.
He was totally unaware of the fact that the scholarship money would be handed over the next month otherwise he would never had finished the money on eating jalebis.
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