The Summit Within Chapter 5 Extra Questions and Answers Class 8 English Honeydew

kritika Pandey

The Summit Within Chapter 5 Extra Questions and Answers Class 8 English Honeydew  

1. Who was Major HPS Ahluwalia?

Answer: Major HPS Ahluwalia was part of the successful Indian expedition to Mount Everest in 1965.

2. Why did the author express a sense of melancholy instead of jubilation after climbing Everest?

Answer: Instead of being jubilant, the author felt a tinge of sadness because having conquered Everest, there seemed to be no higher peak to climb, signifying that all paths would now lead downwards.

3. How did the author describe his experiences while climbing mountains?

Answer: The author described climbing mountains as overwhelming, providing deep joy and gratitude, an experience that altered his life completely.

4. What motivated the author to summit Mount Everest?

Answer: The author found great delight in overcoming obstacles, and climbing mountains offered physical challenges that required endurance, persistence, and willpower, making it an exciting pursuit.

5. Why did the author experience an internal change within himself?

Answer: The author experienced a mystical transformation due to the beauty, remoteness, might, ruggedness, and challenges faced while climbing, leading to a profound change within him.

6. What symbolic items did the climbers leave at the Everest summit?

Answer: The climbers left various items symbolizing reverence: a picture of Guru Nanak, a picture of goddess Durga, a relic of the Buddha, and even a buried cross by Edmund Hillary. These were not symbols of conquest but of reverence.

7. Describe the physical and spiritual impact of summiting a mountain.

Answer: Whether climbing a physical or spiritual mountain, the experience invariably brings about changes within individuals, teaching them about the world and themselves.

8. Why did the author suggest that internal summits might be higher than Everest?

Answer: The author suggested that internal summits might be higher because the experience of climbing Everest provided him with the inspiration to confront life’s challenges with courage, making them more profound.

9. Explain the significance of the quote, “The man who has been to the mountains is never the same again.”

Answer: This quote emphasizes that the experience of climbing mountains, though physically demanding, is spiritually enriching and transformative, leading to lasting changes within individuals.

10 What were the reasons behind the author’s passion for climbing mountains?

Answer: The author’s fascination with mountains stemmed from childhood, where the mountains' beauty, majesty, and the challenge they posed acted as a means of communion with God, drawing him towards climbing them.

11 Why did the author feel a sense of sadness upon reaching the mountain's summit?

Answer: Reaching the mountain's summit brought a sense of sadness as the goal had been achieved, leaving a void in the absence of a new aim. Moreover, it marked the highest point, signifying that the journey forward would only lead downwards.

12 What perspective does Ahluwalia share about the correlation between mountain climbing and life?

Answer: Ahluwalia believes that climbing Everest and facing life's challenges are closely connected. His Everest experience inspired him to confront life's trials with confidence.

13 How did the author view himself in relation to his surroundings upon reaching the summit?

Answer: As the author reached the summit, he became increasingly aware of his insignificance in the vastness of the universe.

14 What was the author's feeling on reaching the summit of Everest?

Answer: The author felt a sense of joy and thankfulness on reaching the summit of Everest. He described it as a joy that lasts a lifetime.

15 What prompted the author to leave a picture of Guru Nanak on Everest?

Answer: The author left a picture of Guru Nanak on Everest as a symbol of reverence, not conquest, signifying his respect for the mountains and its significance.

16 According to the author, why are mountains considered nature's best gift?

Answer: Mountains are considered nature's best gift because they symbolize serenity, beauty, aloofness, and provide a sense of spiritual communion with the divine.

17 How does Major Ahluwalia connect mountain climbing to life’s challenges?

Answer: Major Ahluwalia believes that the experience of climbing Everest provided him with the inspiration to confront life's ordeals with courage and confidence.

18 Describe the emotional state of the author after reaching the Everest summit.

Answer: The author felt a blend of emotions. While there was joy and thankfulness, there was also a sense of melancholy, realizing that there might not be any higher peak to climb.

19 What did the author mean by the 'ultimate' in climbing Everest?

Answer: By achieving the summit of Everest, the author implied that it was the highest point to climb, signifying the ultimate accomplishment in mountain climbing.

20 What does the author imply when he says that 'mountains are nature at its best'?

Answer: The author implies that mountains embody the best aspects of nature—its beauty, grandeur, aloofness, and spiritual significance.

21 According to Major Ahluwalia, what qualities does climbing mountains help inculcate in an individual?

Answer: Climbing mountains instills qualities like endurance, persistence, willpower, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

22 Why did the author say that "internal summits are, perhaps, higher than Everest"?

Answer: The author suggested that internal summits, representing personal challenges and growth, might be more significant and profound than climbing physical peaks like Everest.

23 What items did climbers leave at the Everest summit, and what was their significance?

Answer: Climbers left various symbolic items at the Everest summit, like pictures of religious figures, relics, and symbols of reverence, signifying respect rather than conquest.

24 How did the author feel about mountains when he was away from them?

Answer: The author felt lost and miserable when away from the mountains, indicating his deep connection and yearning for their presence.

25 What connection does the author establish between mountain climbing and life's challenges?

Answer: The author connects climbing mountains to life's challenges, suggesting that the experiences gained from mountain climbing inspire one to face life's difficulties confidently.

26 How did the author perceive himself in relation to the vastness of the universe from the summit?

Answer: From the summit, the author felt increasingly aware of his smallness compared to the vastness of the universe, realizing the insignificance of human existence.

27 Why did the author suggest that climbing mountains provides worthwhile experiences?

Answer: Climbing mountains provides worthwhile experiences because it teaches individuals about themselves, their endurance, and resilience.

28 How did the author describe the connection between the mountain summit and life's journey?

Answer: The mountain summit signifies an achievement, but it also symbolizes the end of a journey, signifying that further paths lead downward, akin to life's journeys.

29 In what way did Major Ahluwalia express the emotional impact of reaching the summit of Everest?

Answer: Major Ahluwalia expressed a mix of emotions—joy and thankfulness for reaching the summit and sadness for having accomplished the highest peak.

30 What symbolic significance did the author attribute to leaving a picture of Guru Nanak on Everest?

Answer: Leaving a picture of Guru Nanak was a gesture of reverence for the mountains, representing respect and connection with the divine rather than a symbol of conquest.

31 How did the author describe the impact of mountain climbing on his personality?

Answer: The author described mountain climbing as a transformative experience that changed his perspective on life and helped him develop qualities like endurance and persistence.

32 What inspired Major Ahluwalia to face life's challenges with confidence?

Answer: Major Ahluwalia's experience of climbing Everest inspired him to confront life's challenges with courage and confidence.

33 How did the author express his reverence for the mountains in the lesson?

Answer: The author expressed reverence for mountains by leaving a picture of Guru Nanak at the Everest summit, representing respect and spiritual connection with the mountains.

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