Extra Questions for Class 8 English Chapter 5 Princess September

kritika Pandey

Extra Questions for Class 8 English Chapter 5 Princess September 

Short Questions and Answers:

Q: Who is the author of the story "Princess September"?
A: W. Somerset Maugham.

Q: What is the story about?
A: The story revolves around three princesses and their unusual birthdays.

Q: How did Princess September get her name?
A: Princess September got her name because she was born in the month of September.

Q: Describe the three princesses in terms of their unique birthdays.
A: Princess January was born in January and loved the snow, Princess February loved rain and was born in February, and Princess September loved the golden autumn and was born in September.

Q: What gift did Princess September receive on her birthday?
A: Princess September received a little goldfish as a birthday gift.

Q: What was unusual about the goldfish given to Princess September?
A: The goldfish given to Princess September could talk.

Q: How did Princess September spend her days with the talking goldfish?
A: Princess September spent her days talking and playing with the goldfish.

Q: What happened to the goldfish when it was thrown back into the sea?
A: The goldfish turned into a prince when it was thrown back into the sea.

Q: Why did the King consult the astrologer about the princesses' birthdays?
A: The King consulted the astrologer because he wanted to know how to make Princess September happy since she loved the golden autumn.

Q: What did the astrologer suggest to make Princess September happy?
A: The astrologer suggested bringing autumn to the palace by planting autumn flowers and having golden leaves in the garden.

Q: What was the King's reaction to the astrologer's suggestion?
A: The King was initially reluctant but agreed to follow the astrologer's suggestion to make Princess September happy.

Q: How did the King try to recreate autumn in the palace for Princess September?
A: The King planted autumn flowers and had golden leaves scattered in the garden to recreate autumn in the palace.

Q: Why did Princess September cry when autumn came to the palace?
A: Princess September cried because she realized that the beauty of autumn in the palace was not as enchanting as the real autumn outside.

Q: How did Princess September's sisters react to her sadness?
A: Princess January and Princess February felt sorry for Princess September and wanted to help her.

Q: What did the King finally decide to do for Princess September?
A: The King decided to send Princess September outside the palace to experience the real autumn that she loved.

Q: How did Princess September's birthday celebration change after her experience outside the palace?
A: Princess September's birthday celebration changed to a simple affair with her enjoying the real autumn outside the palace.

Q: What did Princess September learn from her experience outside the palace?
A: Princess September learned to appreciate the natural beauty of autumn outside the palace and realized that happiness cannot be artificially created.

Q: How did the golden autumn outside the palace differ from the one created inside?
A: The golden autumn outside the palace was more beautiful and enchanting, filled with the natural wonders of the season.

Q: What moral lesson can be derived from the story of Princess September?
A: The story teaches the importance of genuine experiences and the fact that true happiness cannot be artificially created but comes from the authentic beauty of life.

Q: How does the talking goldfish contribute to the magical elements in the story?
A: The talking goldfish adds a magical element to the story, creating an enchanting and whimsical atmosphere that enhances the fairy-tale quality of the narrative.

Long Questions and Answers:

Q: Analyze the character of Princess September in terms of her love for autumn and her emotional journey in the story. How does her character evolve, and what does her experience teach readers about the pursuit of genuine happiness?

A: Princess September's character is defined by her deep love for autumn. Initially, her happiness is associated with the magical recreation of autumn within the palace. However, her emotional journey unfolds as she realizes that true happiness comes from authentic experiences outside the artificial palace setting. Her character evolves from a princess content with an imitation of happiness to one who values genuine, unaltered beauty. The story teaches readers that pursuing authentic experiences is essential for true happiness.

Q: Explore the symbolic significance of the talking goldfish in "Princess September." How does the goldfish contribute to the fantastical elements of the story, and what deeper meanings can be inferred from its presence?

A: The talking goldfish serves as a symbol of magic and fantasy in the story. Its ability to communicate adds a whimsical dimension to the narrative. The goldfish's transformation into a prince reinforces the theme of enchantment and the presence of magical elements in the fairy-tale world. Additionally, the goldfish symbolizes the potential for transformation and hidden depths in seemingly ordinary things.

Q: Delve into the themes of artificiality and authenticity in the story, focusing on the King's attempts to create autumn within the palace for Princess September. How does the narrative comment on the limitations of artificial happiness and the value of authenticity?

A: The King's attempts to recreate autumn within the palace highlight the theme of artificiality. The narrative comments on the limitations of artificial happiness, suggesting that true joy cannot be manufactured. Princess September's disappointment underscores the value of authenticity, emphasizing that genuine experiences and connections with nature bring more fulfillment than artificially constructed happiness.

Q: Analyze the King's character and his role in Princess September's story. How does his reliance on the astrologer and attempt to create happiness reflect broader societal attitudes, and what does his eventual decision signify about understanding and respecting individual preferences?

A: The King's character represents a ruler who seeks external advice for personal matters. His attempt to create happiness reflects societal attitudes that prioritize external solutions. However, his eventual decision to send Princess September outside the palace signifies a realization about the importance of understanding and respecting individual preferences. It suggests a shift from external influences to recognizing the uniqueness of personal happiness.

Q: Reflect on the role of Princess September's sisters, Princess January and Princess February. How do they contribute to the emotional landscape of the story, and what lessons can be derived from their supportive roles in Princess September's journey?

A: Princess January and Princess February contribute to the emotional landscape by expressing concern and empathy for Princess September's well-being. Their supportive roles highlight the importance of sibling relationships and understanding. The lessons derived include the value of compassion, the role of family in providing emotional support, and the significance of empathy in fostering genuine connections.

Q: Discuss the significance of the astrologer in the story, especially in relation to the King seeking advice for Princess September's happiness. How does the astrologer's role reflect broader themes of reliance on external guidance and the limitations of such advice in matters of personal fulfillment?

A: The astrologer's role reflects broader themes of reliance on external guidance and the limitations of such advice. The King's consultation with the astrologer symbolizes a reliance on external authority for personal matters. However, the astrologer's suggestions prove insufficient in creating genuine happiness. This aspect of the narrative underscores the idea that personal fulfillment cannot be entirely dictated by external influences or authorities.

Q: Explore the dichotomy between the artificial autumn within the palace and the natural beauty of the golden autumn outside. How does this dichotomy serve as a metaphor, and what commentary does it offer on the distinction between superficial appearances and authentic experiences?

A: The dichotomy between the artificial autumn within the palace and the natural beauty of the golden autumn outside serves as a metaphor for the distinction between superficial appearances and authentic experiences. It underscores the idea that true beauty and joy come from genuine, unaltered experiences rather than artificially created imitations. The contrast between the two settings offers a poignant commentary on the value of authenticity in finding fulfillment.

Q: Examine the role of seasons, particularly autumn, as a recurring motif in "Princess September." How does the changing season mirror Princess September's emotional journey, and what symbolic significance can be attributed to the choice of autumn as a thematic element in the story?

A: The changing season of autumn serves as a symbolic backdrop to Princess September's emotional journey. As the season transitions, so does Princess September's perception of happiness. Autumn, with its associations of change and transition, becomes a metaphor for personal growth and discovery. The choice of autumn as a thematic element adds depth to the narrative, connecting the natural world to the protagonist's emotional evolution.

Q: Reflect on the impact of Princess September's experience outside the palace on her understanding of happiness. How does her realization about the limitations of artificial happiness contribute to the broader message of the story, and what broader societal implications can be inferred from her journey?

A: Princess September's experience outside the palace leads to a profound realization about the limitations of artificial happiness. Her understanding contributes to the broader message of the story, emphasizing the importance of authentic experiences. The societal implications include a critique of attempts to manufacture joy through external means and a call for individuals to seek genuine fulfillment beyond superficial appearances.

Q: Consider the cultural and historical context of "Princess September." How might the story resonate with readers in different cultural settings, and what universal themes make it enduring and relatable across various time periods?

A: "Princess September" contains universal themes such as the pursuit of genuine happiness, the value of authenticity, and the recognition of individual preferences. These themes make the story enduring and relatable across different cultural settings and time periods. The narrative's exploration of human emotions and desires transcends specific cultural contexts, providing readers with timeless lessons about the nature of true fulfillment.

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