NCERT Class 7 English Honeycomb book Chapter 4 The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Summary
A retired couple with a pet dog named Muko lived in the old days of the daimios. They raised Muko as a human kid even though they were childless. Muko reciprocated their devotion by treating them like a living creature. The dog once approached the elderly guy while he was feeding a white heron in the garden and attempted to lead him to a certain location. The elderly guy initially assumed the dog was playing with him, but after some time, he decided to follow to the location. The dog started to scratch the ground as though there were a bone or a fish hidden there. The elderly guy pulled out his hoe, hit it immediately, and discovered gold.
They had a great time and even gave some of their good fortune to the underprivileged. Additionally, a vicious and evil couple also resided there. They lured the dog inside by offering him food once they learned the old couple's fortune. The dog didn't eat or move, though, because he was aware of how inconsiderate and harsh the pair were. They then dragged themselves out into their garden while toting a hoe and a spade. The dog started to paw and scrape the ground as they approached the pine tree. The greedy pair got to work right away, believing that they needed to bury a huge wealth.
However, they found a dead kitten. Losing their tempers, they beated the dog to death and threw his carcass in a hole and buried him. When the old man got to know the news of his pet’s death, he mourned for him. And went at night under night and paid his respects. That night, as he was sleeping, the spirit of the dog came in his deam and told the old man to cut down the pine and make a mortar and a mill from it. The old man did as he was told to do. He worked hard and finally made the mortar and the mill. As the New Year came nearer, he wished to use the mortar and the mill to make rice pastry
He pounded the rice with the aid of his wife. Heavy gold pieces started to fall from the mill as soon as the elderly woman seized it and started grinding the bean. The elderly couple had again amassed wealth. The evil pair was spying on them in the meantime. The next day, they took the mortar and mill on loan from the elderly couple since they needed it. The rice and beans transformed into worms as soon as the elderly man started to pound the rice and the old wife started to grind it. The evil man became enraged, smashed the equipment, and used the shattered parts as firewood. The elderly man had yet another dream after that.
The dog's soul appeared and instructed the owner to scatter the burned mortar and mill's ashes on the withering trees to revive them. The elderly guy got out of bed and walked to the residence of the evil couple. He begged for the ashes in humility. He was greeted rudely by the couple, but they allowed him to fill his basket with the ashes. He took his wife to his garden when he got home, where their cherry tree had shriveled because it was winter. After scattering the ashes on the tree, the elderly man noticed that it was covered in beautiful cherry blossoms. Everyone learned about this and visited to witness this wonder. The evil pair also learned about this tale.
The good old guy learned that the daimos would be traveling along a high road close to the settlement in the interim. He went to see him while carrying his basket. He ascended an old, withering cherry tree on the roadside as the train got closer. He should have been lying down, but instead was standing, as was the tradition at the time. Given that he was an elderly guy, the guards did not complain. He scattered some of the ashes on the withering cherry blossom tree, which caused it to bud, as the daimio's palanquin got closer. When the daimio noticed this, he halted the vehicle in his joy. He invited the elderly guy over, expressed gratitude, and requested gifts of silk robes,sponge-cake, fans and other rewards to be given him. He even invited him to his castle.
The old man went home happily to share this news with his wife. However, the wicked neighbour, who heard this story, took some of the magic ashes and went out on the highway. He climbed a cherry blossom tree and when the daimio was directly under the tree. The man threw a handful of ashes which didn’t do anything. Instead, they fell on the daimio and when the wind blew, the ashes flew into the daimio andhis wife’s eyes and noses. They sneezed and choked, which ruined the dignity and elegance of the procession. The man was brought down from the tree and beaten to death. Meanwhile, the kind old couple lived a prosperous life.
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