The distance (in km) of 40 engineers from their residence to their place of work were found as follows: 5 3 10 20 25 11 13 7 12 31 19 10 12 17 18 11 32 17 16 2 7 9 7 8 3 5 12 15 18 3 12 14 2 9 6 15 15 7 6 12 Construct a grouped frequency distribution table with class size 5 for the data given above taking the first interval as 0-5 (5 not included). What main features do you observe from this tabular representation?

Reliable Education Group


Since the given data is very large, we construct a grouped frequency distribution table of class size 5. , class interval will be 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20 and so on. The data is represented in the grouped frequency distribution table as:

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 14-1

In the given table the classes do not overlap. Also we find that, the houses of 36 out of 40 engineers are below 20 km of distance

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