A random survey of the number of children of various age groups playing in a park was found as follows:

Reliable Education Group


Draw a histogram to represent the data above.


The width of the class intervals in the given data is varying.

We know that,

The area of rectangle is proportional to the frequencies in the histogram.

Thus, the proportion of the children per year can be calculated as given in the table below.


(in years)

Number of children (frequency)Width of classLength of rectangle
1-251(5/1)×1 = 5
2-331(3/1)×1 = 3
3-562(6/2)×1 = 3
5-7122(12/2)×1 = 6
7-1093(9/3)×1 = 3
10-15105(10/5)×1 = 2
15-1742(4/2)×1 = 2

Let x-axis = the age of children

y-axis = proportion of children per 1 year interval

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