Plot the points (x, y) given in the following table on the plane, choosing suitable units of distance on the axes. x -2 -1 0 1 3 y 8 7 -1.25 3 -1

Reliable Education Group


The points to plotted on the (x, y) are:

i. (-2, 8)

ii. (-1, 7)

iii. (0, -1.25)

iv. (1, 3)

v. (3, -1)

On the graph mark X-axis and Y-axis. Mark the meeting point as O.

Now, Let 1 unit = 1 cm

i. (-2, 8): II- Quadrant, Meeting point of the imaginary lines that starts from 2 units to the left of origin O and from 8 units above the origin O

ii. (-1, 7): II- Quadrant, Meeting point of the imaginary lines that starts from 1 units to the left of origin O and from 7 units above the origin O

iii. (0, -1.25): On the x-axis, 1.25 units to the left of origin O

iv. (1, 3): I- Quadrant, Meeting point of the imaginary lines that starts from 1 units to the right of origin O and from 3 units above the origin O

v. (3, -1): IV- Quadrant, Meeting point of the imaginary lines that starts from 3 units to the right of origin O and from 1 units below the origin O 

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