In countries like USA and Canada, temperature is measured in Fahrenheit, whereas in countries like India, it is measured in Celsius. Here is a linear equation that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius: (i) Draw the graph of the linear equation above using Celsius for x-axis and Fahrenheit for y-axis. (ii) If the temperature is 30°C, what is the temperature in Fahrenheit? (iii) If the temperature is 95°F, what is the temperature in Celsius? (iv) If the temperature is 0°C, what is the temperature in Fahrenheit and if the temperature is 0°F, what is the temperature in Celsius? (v) Is there a temperature which is numerically the same in both Fahrenheit and Celsius? If yes, find it.

Reliable Education Group


(i) According to the question,

F = (9/5)C + 32

Solving the equation,

We get,

When C = 0, F = 32

When C = -10 , F = 14

The points to be plotted are (0, 32), (-10, 14)

(ii) When C = 30,

F = (9/5)C +32

F = (9×30)/5+32

= (9×6)+32

= 54+32

= 86oF

(iii) When F = 95,

95 = (9/5)C +32

(9/5)C = 95-32

(9/5)C =63

C = (63×5)/9


(iv) When C = 0,

F = (9/5)C +32

F = (9×0)/5 +32



When F = 0,

0 = (9/5)C+32

(9/5)C = 0-32

(9/5)C = -32

C = (-32×5)/9



(v) When F = C,

C = (9/5)C+32

C – (9/5)C = 32

(5-9)C/5 =32

(-4/5)C = 32

(-4/5)C = (-32×5)/4

= – 40oC

Hence, -40o is the temperature which is numerically the same in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.

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