CBSE Class 10 Board Exam 2019 BiG change | students get only one paper have marksheet and certificate

CBSE says
  "A single certificate at secondary level examination combining the language of the marksheet and certificate shall be issued for class 10 examination with effect from 2019,"
*The document shall be treated as a certificate and candidates shall have to fulfill requirements as notified by the board for obtaining a duplicate one* 
The decision to issue single document was taken by the CBSE examination committee and was approved  by the governing body.
CBSE has desiteded that give a single paper of marksheet and certificate on CBSE Class 10th but Class 12th Student will however , continue to get separate documents for marksheet and certification of examination. 

Have change for 
~Imporvement students 
If a student has appeared for an improvement examination, he or she shall not be issued a separate pass certificate for that subject but only a separate statement of marks obtained, 
~Compartment /fail student in 2019
Also, the board has also decided that from 2020 academic session, compartment candidates will be given three chances to appear for the examination, while candidates who failed will be allowed to appear for the examination next year and practical marks will be carry forwarded.
CBSE says 
"The affiliation bye-laws have been amended to incorporate the changes,

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