
Human capital formation

Q.1 Define human capital.
Ans . its refers to the stock of skill ,expertise, ability, education & knowledge in a nation at a point of time.
Q.2 what is meant by human capital formation ?
Ans . it’s the process of achievement and increasing the number of people who have the skill, education and experience which are critical for the economic development of a country .
Q.3 what is meant by physical capital ?
Ans . all inputs which are required for further production such as machines, tool, factory,  building etc are called physical capital .
Q.4 what do you mean by ‘brain drain’?
Ans  Brain drain is the large scale migration of the a large group of individual with technical skills or knowledge .
Q.5 Why  there is a need to promote women’s education in India.
Ans:  Women’s Education need to be promoted because:
a) They can become economically independent   b) Women education makes favorable impact on fertility rate & health care of women and children
Q.6 which five year plan recognized the importance of human capital ?
Ans.  Seventh five year plan
Q.7 Name the movement started by national literacy mission.
Ans.  Education to all.
Q.8 Mention two government organizations each, that regulate the health and education sectors.
Ans Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and National AIDS control Organization
regulates health.
National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and
University Grants Commission (UGC)
Q.9 Explain the concept of human capital formation.
Ans. Suppose country can turn physical resources like land into physical capital like factories similarly it can also turn human resources like student into engineers and doctors. They have themselves been educated and trained as professors and other professional . human capital is required to produce other human capital.
Q.10 what are major Sources/Determinates of human capital formation ?
Ans. Human capital refers to the stock of skill and expertise of a nation at appoint of time.
 The major sources of human capital in a country:-
(i)                 Education: - A better educated person has greater skills and knowledge and therefore greater opportunity to work and earn higher income . Hence , expenditure on education  is an important source of human capital formation  

(ii)               Health: - A healthy person is an asset for the nation as he is more productive than a sick person, who is unable to work efficiently due to bad health. Hence , expenditure on health is an important source of human capital formation  .

(iii)             On the job training:-Expenditure regarding on-the-job training is a source of human capital as the return of such expenditure in the form of large labor productivity is more the cost it.

How :- (i) the workers may be trained in the firm itself under the supervision of a senior and experienced worker .
(ii) the workers may be sent for off campus training .

(iv)             Migration: - People sometimes migrate from one place to the other in search of better jobs with higher salaries. It includes migration of people from rural area to urban areas in India. Unemployment is the reason for the rural urban migration in India and technically qualified people migrate from one country to other country. 

(v)               Expenditure on information:- people spent to acquire information relating to the labour market and other markets like education, health etc.
Q.11 what is difference between physical and human capitals??
Ans . Comparison between ‘Physical capital’ and ‘Human Capital’.
           Physical Capital                                                                       Human Capital
a) Physical capital is tangible and can be
easily sold in the market

a)human capital is intangible and cannot sold in market.
b) It depreciates with the passage of time.

b) Depreciation in human capital (due to again)
can be reduced by making continuous
investment in education & health.

c) It is more mobile between countries

c) Human capital is less mobile between
countries as compared to physical capital.

d) Physical capital (like machinery)
separated from its owners.

d) Human capital (like skills of a person) cannot
be separated from the own
e) Physical capital is the outcome of the
conscious decision of the owner and is
mainly an economic and technical

e) Formation of human capital is partly a social
process by partly a conscious decision of the
possessor of the human capital
f) It can be fault through inspects.

f) Human capital formation is to be done
through conscious policy formulations

Q.12 what is role of human capital in economics development ?(economic growths )
Ans .   
1. Human Capital formation is very important for the growth of an economy.
(i) Effective use of physical capital: Its growth and productivity depends on human
capital formation.
(ii) Human capital formation raises the productivity and production as knowledgeable
and skilled worker makes the better (use of the resources). Increase in
productivity and quality production depends on technical skill of the people which
can be acquired only by education or training and maintaining health of the people.
2. Inventions, innovations and technological improvement are all due to the extra
knowledge acquired during education which provides lot of innovations and inventions.
3. The knowledgeable, skilled and physically fir people help in the human capital formation.
4. Increases life expectancy: Formation of human capital raises life expectancy of the people. Health facilities and availability of nutritive food enable people to live a healthy and long life. This in turn, adds to the quality of life.
5. Improves Quality of life: The quality of population depends upon the level of education health of a person and skill formation acquired by the people. Human capital formation not only makes people productive and creative but also transforms the lives of the people.
6. Control of population growth: It has been observed that educated persons have smaller families as compared to illiterate families, So, spread of education is necessary to control
the population growth rate.
Q.13  What is problems of human capital formation ?  OR
   Explain  Reasons for poor Human Capital formations ? OR
   Discuss the principle difficulties in the process if human capital formation in India ?
Ans The main problems of human capital formation in India are
(i)                 Rising population – Rapidly rising populating adversely affects the quality of human capital in under developed and developing  countries like India.
It reduces per head availability of existing facilities like employment, drainage, water system, housing, hospitals, education etc.
(ii)               Brain drain-Migration of highly skilled labour termed as “brain drain” . the slow down the process of human capital formation in the domestic economy.
(iii)             Inefficient of manpower planning – if contry have been to maintain the demand –supply balance of the ever- rising labour force in the country . As a result, india is facing one problem name is graducate umemployment . it is a sad reflection on trhe wastage of human power and human skill.
(iv)             In sufficient On-the-job training in primary sector – primary sector is backbone of Indian economy but govt. not giving in any professional skills.
(v)               Low Academic Standards- our country have been opening many university ,school . as a result we have large amry of graduates and post graduates person but skill and efficiency is low due to academic standard at the down of nip .
(vi)             Long-term process-The process of human development is a long-term policy because skill formation takes time.
(vii)           High poverty levels- A large proportion of the population lives below  poverty line and do not have access to basic health and educational facilities .
Q.14 What are the differences between human capital and human development?
Ans .         Human capital                                               Human development
It’s a narrow caoncept.
Its  a broader concept.
It considers education and health as a means to increase labour productivity.
It consider that education and health are integral to human well being because only when people have the ability to read and write and the ability to lead a long and healthy life the will be able to make other choices the value.
Human capital treats human beings as a means to an end, the end being the increase in productivity .
Human beings are an end in themselves
In human capital, investment in education and health is unproductive if it does not enhance output of goods and services
Huamn welfare should be increased through investment in education and health even if such investments do not result in higher labour productivity . thus, every invidual has a right to be healthy and literate
Q.15.What is means about education and Discuss of importance and objectives of education ?
Ans. Education implies the process of teaching, training and learning especially in schools or colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills.
(i)                 It  produces good citizens.
(ii)               It developes science and technology
(iii)             It facilities use of natural and human resources of all regions of the country.
(iv)             It expands mental horizon of the people.
Q.16 Bring out, the difference between literacy and education.
Ans there is difference education and literacy. Education is a much wider concept than literacy. Literacy means about only ability  to read and write . Education includes primary education, secondary education and higher education. While all educated people are literate people are not necessarily, educated.
Q.17 Discuss the need for promoting women’s/adult education in India.
Ans. Women have always been neglected when it comes to education in India. The acess to education has always been biased towards male production due tp our social system which is patriarchal. The lack of education has caused exploitation of women and has resulted in alower social status of women in India. There is an imminent need or promoting female education in india, because of the following reasons
(i)                 Women education is essential for providing them economic independence and empowering them to save them from exploitation and domestic violence
(ii)               Women education is essential in order to raise the social status of women , so that the quality of life of women can be improved.
(iii)             Educated woman are aware of the importance of healthcare and thus, take proper care of their family members contributing in human capital formation.
(iv)             Education women help in promoting family welfare programmers and thus, in population control.
(v)               Educating a woman means educating a family. An educated woman can inculcate moral values in her children and facilitate their education.
 Q.18  Write all organizations of government work on education(Human capital formation) ?
Ans .The Government of india tries to regulate education through different organizations.
(i)                 NCERT (national education research and training): ti is basically engaged in desingning text material upto the senior secondary level .
(ii)               UGC(university grants Commission):it is primarily the funding authority for university education also form rule and regulation of higher education in the country.
(iii)             AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education):it formation rule and regulations regarding technical education in the country.
(iv)             ICMR(Indian Council For Medical Reseacrh): it formation rule and regulations regarding medical education in the country.
Q.19 What is growth of education sector in india ?
                      Or Explain the “education for all .
Ans.  Primary Education Schemes
Government has made number of schemes to make “Education for all”
 The following are the few schemes
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
It was launched in 2001 to universalize & improve the quality of Elementary Education
in India through community ownership of Elementary Education. The SSA is being implemented
in partnership with states to address the needs of children in age group of 6-14 years. The
achievements under SSA up to September 30, 2007, include constructions of 7, 13,179 additional
classrooms, 1, 72,381 drinking water facilities, construction of 2, 18,075 toilets. Supply of free
textbooks of 6.64 crore children & appointment of 8.10 lakh teacher’s besides opening of 1,
86,985 (till 31.3.07) new schools.
National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Education (NPEGEL):
The programme is aimed at enhancing girl’s education by providing additional support for development of a model girl child friendly school. In every cluster with more intense community mobilization and supervision of girls enrolment in schools. Under NPEGEL, 35,252
models schools have been opened. In addition to supporting 25,537 Early Childhood Care &
Education (ECCE) centers. Besides, 24,837 additional classrooms have been constructed and
18.75 lakh teachers have been given training on gender sensitization.
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV)
The Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) scheme was launched in July 2004 for setting up residential schools at upper primary level, for girls belonging predominantly to the SC, ST, OBC & minority community. The scheme ran as separate scheme for two years but was merged with Sarva Siksha Abhiyan w.e.f April 1, 2007.
Secondary Education
Secondary Education, which starts with classes IX and X leads to senior secondary classes XI and XII aims to in cooperate basic skills & analytical abilities. It provides a stepping stone to higher professional and technical education.
Higher Education
The Higher Education System comprises both general and technical education. The higher education has undergone a manifold expansion since Independence. The no. of universities in the country has increased from 27 in 1950-51 to 350 in 2005-06 University Grants Commission (UGC) takes measures for promotion and coordination of university education and determination and maintenance of standards in teaching, examinationand research in universities and allocation and disbursement of grants to them.